
Peer Reviewed Publications

  1. Megastudy shows that reminders boost vaccination but adding free rides does not (with Katherine L. Milkman et al.). Nature (2024).
  2. Latent Stratification for Incrementality Experiments (with Elea McDonnell Feit). Marketing Science (2024).
  3. A Randomized Trial of Behavioral Nudges Delivered through Text Messages to Increase Influenza Vaccination among Patients with an Upcoming Primary Care Visit (with Mitesh Patel et al.). American Journal of Health Promotion (2023).
  4. The Value of Descriptive Analytics: Evidence from Online Retailers (with Ayelet Israeli). Marketing Science (2022).
  5. A 680,000-Person Megastudy of Nudges to Encourage Vaccination in Pharmacies (with Katherine L. Milkman et al.). Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences (2022).
  6. False Discovery in A/B Testing (with Christophe Van den Bulte). Management Science (2022).
  7. A Megastudy of Text-based Nudges Encouraging Patients to Get Vaccinated at an Upcoming Doctor’s Appointment (with Katherine L. Milkman et al.). Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences (2021).
  8. Curation Algorithms and Filter Bubbles in Social Networks  (with Zsolt Katona). Marketing Science (2020).
    (Online Appendix)
  9. Test & Roll: Profit-Maximizing A/B Tests (with Elea McDonnell Feit). Marketing Science (2019).
  10. A Tale of Two Twitterspheres: Microblogging During and After the 2016 Primary and Presidential Debates (with Shiri Melumad, Colman Humphrey and Robert Meyer). Journal of Marketing Research (2019). Lead Article.
    (Online Appendix)
  11. Beyond the Last Touch: Attribution in Online Advertising. Marketing Science (2018).
    (Online Appendix)
  12. The Role of Search Engine Optimization in Search Marketing (with Zsolt Katona). Marketing Science (2013).
  13. Provable Unlinkability against Traffic Analysis With Low Message Overhead (with Amos Fiat, Marcin Gomulkiewicz, Marek Klonowski, Miroslaw Kutylowski, Tomer Levinboim, and Amnon Ta-Shma). Journal of Cryptology (2015).
  14. Provable Unlinkability against Traffic Analysis (with Amos Fiat and Amnon Ta-Shma). Proceedings of Financial Cryptography (2004).

Working Papers

  1. Strategic Design of Recommendation Algorithms (with Hangcheng Zhao and Yi Zhu).
  2. Naive Analytics: The Strategic Advantage of Algorithmic Heuristics (with Yuval Heller).
  3. Too Much Talent? The Tradeoff between Human and Non-human Assets in Technology Startups (with Pablo Hernández-Lagos and Daniel J. Kim).
  4. The Role of Social Learning in Influencer Marketing (with Aniko Öry and Xudong Zheng).
  5. Analyzing Healthcare Price Transparency: Will Patients Shop for Services More Effectively? (with Hangcheng Zhao)
  6. Price Manipulation in Peer-to-Peer Markets and the Sharing Economy (with Vladimir Pavlov).
  7. p-Hacking in A/B Testing (with Leo Pekelis, Aisling Scott and Christophe Van den Bulte).
  8. The Dark Side of Category Expansion: Will (and Which) Existing Ones 'Pay the Price'? (with Qi Yu and Eric Bradlow).
  9. Marketing with Shallow and Prudent Influencers (with Xudong Zheng).

Work in Progress