Tax Tips for International Grad Students

Intro After moving to the US, I had to submit a tax report (called a tax return) for the first time in my life. I found an intricate list of details, rules, forms and what not to deal with. It intrigued me... I later obtained certification for being a Tax Preparer in California. As an …

International Grad Student Tax Tips - Adjustments to Income

This page is part of a larger article on how foreign students can save on their taxes. Any comments, corrections and suggestions for this project are welcome. Feel free to contact me using my contact information in the About page. Disclaimer The text below does not constitute tax advice or recommendation, and does not replace …

How valuable is your privacy?

How much money are you paying to maintain your privacy? How much should you get to let others pry into your private information? I recently attended a talk by MIT's Catherine Tucker about the cost of privacy, from the perspective of advertisers. Prof. Tucker and her co-author checked how changes in privacy rules in Europe, …

I am not a number...yet...

For some obscure reason, “The Prisoner” was very popular in Israel when I was a kid. Something that has to do with reruns and nothing to do on long summer vacations. I distinctly remember scenes with a giant white ball suffocating people trying to escape some place, and the main actor (No. 6), yelling at …